Tuesday, April 19, 2011

your welcome

my dad. there is good genes in the branscom family.

advice from a good source

whoa! i haven't been on here in awhile. hm...a lot to report but first...a few very cute things that i would like to share bc who doesn't like cute?

first order of bus-nass. swackett. for all mac lovers and users: download the swackett app. it is the most entertaining way to get your weather update.

DISCLAIMER: i did not realize until later that this is a repeat recommendation for the swackett app. my b.

sat. i went to get my birthday mani and pedi. this is the color i got!

except on my toes! pedicure came at a good time because..well...let's just say it wasn't pretty. do not fear my little children, problem is solved and all is right with the world.

the end.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Calm Before The Storm

This past week has been such a whirlwind of excitement here in the Boro. In case you haven't been stalking me these past few days, you may not have picked up on my sarcasm in my previous statement. Yes, the most exciting thing that has happened is that Brinkley and Marbles worked together in scoping out the perimeter of the den in hopes of catching the always hard to get mouse. They were successful BUT being the ever so animal friendly person that I am, could not BARE to see this poor and nasty thing get chewed up by our ever beloved Brinkley. No, I did the only thing that I could do which was trap the sucker under Brinkley's food bowl and give the little rodent it's freedom. PETA has already contacted me to speak at their weekly animal friendly brunch. I declined and then went to the nearest Sonic for a burger.

Tonight, the big TN has brought some pretty nasty storms but thanks to my handy dandy swackett app on my computer, I was properly informed of the coming weather.

If you are able to download this spectacular app, I would recommend it. Notice that even though the swackett app brings devastating news of severe thunderstorm warnings, the mood is perked up to know that the breakfast club gang is right by your side, braving this weather along with you. Sweet.

Now, it is 2:00 a.m. and I am wide awake because I have had ample sleep and have watched 3 out of 4 seasons of "Friday Night Lights". It's a guilty pleasure that I have inhabited thanks to a friend that will remain nameless. The show has sucked me in but it is Tim Riggins that has kept me interested. If only there was a real Tim...if only.

Monday is D-Day. The day that I start in the real real world of corporate. This week has been my vacation which consisted of a whole day of barely moving off the couch (seriously). This is how the random and probably grammatically incorrect post was born.

(this was my easter after party outfit last year)

Saturday, January 29, 2011


let's talk about blue valentine.
it was good.
not great but good.
ryan gosling was the highlight of most of the movie.
with faces like this....

also squirrel pictures.
i have been going through life magazine website
and looking through all the old pictures from life 40 years ago.
interesting for sure but i came across these squirrel pictures
which 2 days later, are still making me laugh.

for example

cpr: cute professional rodent

I call this 'going visiting dress'

click here because this is pretty much how dating in high school, and sadly college looks like.
while sweet so true.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


mumford. and. sons.
one of the best musical nights of my life.

snowshoe, west virginia. skiing was the best way to start my epic year of 2011. packed full of glorious wipeouts by all and me doing the "pizza" all the way down every hill.
i wouldn't have had it any other way.

minus angela, this is the fearless five.

this had absolutely nothing to do with 2010 or 2011.
it is awesome though.

america the free and home of the brave.
God bless it.
these colors don't run.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


What do you do when you are made aware?
When you have seen first hand that extreme poverty exists?

May I always remember what I have been privileged to see.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


i had fun this weekend.
the end.